Why did WooCommerce developer prefer to work on WordPress?

Why did WooCommerce developer prefer to work on WordPress?

WooCommerce Developer

The website is an essential tool to promote business presence and the product it wishes to sell. WooCommerce developer helps to have user-friendly as well search engine friendly website. 

Expectations from WooCommerce developer

• Set up a complete e-commerce solution: a product catalog, a shopping cart system, offer multiple means of payment, manage several currencies, set up discount coupons, and administer customer data according to your criteria.

• Being multilingual.

• Ability to be scalable and responsive, working iteratively over short periods.

• A quick solution to implement.

• Provide access to a personalized space for users (customers or administrators).

• Be SEO Friendly, Responsive (and all current best practices).

The solutions for WooCommerce Developer

WooCommerce developer offers several solutions, each with its advantages and disadvantages:

• Fully tailor-made development:

1. Perfect mastery of the developed code

2. Solution faithful to expectations

3. Increased development time

4. Tedious testing and debugging

5. Requires a wide range of skills, ranging from server admin to front-end, including back-end, SEO, etc. …

6. Risks related to the security of transactions and stored information.

7. Solution, and skill difficult to transfer to a new worker, increased familiarization time.

This list of positive and negative points is deliberately reductive; these are, in any case, the main points that emerge at first sight.

The chosen solution: WordPress

1. It was finally selected for its flexibility and speed of deployment 

2.  By not requiring high human resources.

The WordPress & WooCommerce duo

It is important to mention that WordPress is the CMS on which the site relies and depends. To this core, naturally came an extension (or plugin in English) of e-commerce called WooCommerce, which plays a role just as essential as WordPress. You will therefore talk about the alliance of WordPress Developer & WooCommerce Developer as the solution chosen for the success of this project.

The WordPress community, an absolute weapon

The WordPress community is certainly the greatest asset; many extensions exist, developed by reputable companies or independent developers. They all meet very specific needs; some are free, others pay. In most cases, they are documented, commented, noted.

In other words, WordPress is the core on which you can choose to develop a tailor-made solution with or without the addition of extensions. The point of extensions is to save development time because there will be a few of your needs that no extension meets. Learn more about WordPress

The challenges faced by WordPress / WooCommerce Developer

Duplicate the showcase site and the blog

The first step of the platform change is to duplicate the existing content from the static CMS to WordPress. Overview pages and blog posts. These features are native to WordPress, which is a historically blog-oriented CMS.

Integrate e-commerce functionalities: product catalog and means of payment

The second major step is setting up the product catalog within site (which is now under WordPress) and choosing the means of payment.

Thanks to the WooCommerce extension, all the features expected of an e-commerce platform are present. The bulk of the work is the visual “customization” of the e-commerce pages presented to users. Getting started and the multiple options offered by WooCommerce can be confusing, but after a few days of use, you get the hang of it.


WooCommerce is an e-commerce extension that itself has many extensions dedicated to it. WooCommerce developer have almost always been able to meet sometimes complex needs: management of pre-orders, down payment, follow-up, export, or import of customer data.

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